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About us

Emma Hadrian 25219979

Emma Morrison 92165133

Megan Sinclair 25241370


We are third year Monash students who hope to be great teachers!

What is Reading Comprehension?

“Comprehension is a thinking process for seeking meaning when there is lack of understanding, perplexity or absence of sense" (Dewey 1910, as cited by Luke, Dooley & Woods, 2011, p. 149).

“We read for one purpose: to gain meaning from the text, to understand, to comprehend the written message” (Winch, et al., 2014, p.80).

As pre-service teachers we feel it is our responsibility to enrich the reading process for children and encourage them to find meaning within the books that they read.

Comprehension for Beginning Teachers

This site is aimed at arming pre-service teachers and teachers new to the profession with theoretical knowledge about reading comprehension. Further we aim to provide a one stop site where teachers can come to find information on teaching skills, strategies and lessons for comprehension. We also intend to include differentiated lesson ideas for middle to upper primary level.


Victorian Curriculum

The curriculum suggests that children should: “learn to listen to, read, view, speak, write, create and reflect on increasingly complex and sophisticated spoken, written and multimodal texts across a growing range (Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority, 2015, para 4)


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